Happy New Year!
2005 looks to be another busy year for us. We plan on more traveling than normal — which is great! My office staff now makes jokes about how much time I plan on being out of the office. Whenever I show up at Robin’s door and say, “I need to ask you something.” She immediately responds, “Where do you plan on going now?” Thankfully she is joking.
Holland is first on our travel plans this year with an additional benefit of visiting my Dad’s extended family. We are planning to be there during tulip time, so I can get some wonderful photographs. My brother David and his wife Maud and my sister Mary are planning on going over.
Julianna graduates from Richmond in May and intends to stay in London, either with a job or graduate school. So we will go from Holland to London for the graduation. Helen and Isabelle plan on joining us for the celebration with those of us going to Holland.
We all plan to travel around England for about a week around her graduation.
Julianna came to Anthem for her winter break and left for “home” on Friday. It still feels strange to refer to someplace other than Phoenix as her “home”. But I can see that is the truth. She loves London and never talks about returning to the States.
June will have Julianna and I biking in Canada. Julianna picked the Canadian Rockies – now I have to get into better shape. Damn, that is always my New Year’s goal – lose weight/get in shape. But I really don’t want to be walking the bike up the Canadian Rockies, so there is more incentive this year.
Hugh and I are going to Italy this fall for a photography workshop. We both have new digital cameras and are having fun playing around with them. I’m taking two correspondence classes at the moment. One is on-line and is on flower photography. I really want to return from Holland with some good photos. But it is difficult to be at the bottom of the class in talent and technique.
Tim started a very nice job last week. It is his first “real” job since finishing high school. College last spring didn’t work well, so this seems like a great alternative. He is really growing up – all of a sudden. He is very much a gentleman, thoughtful, helpful and very kind.
The old year was one of great change. We spent last year moving, first the home in March and then my office in September. It is so strange to have new phone numbers and addresses, especially for the home. Our goal for 2005 is to find new places to shop closer to our new home.
Hope you had a wonderful holiday season! Our new address (seeing I didn’t get our change of address cards in March) is 2430 West Coyote Creek Drive, Anthem AZ 85086. Our new phone number is 623.551.2575. Happy New Year!