A quiet day was planned. To walk to the last Basel Paper Mill Museum, then on to another museum, ending with a short walk along the Rhine.
The building housing the Paper Mill Museum began as a paper mill some 500 years ago. The buildings old thick, exposed walls were cool to the touch and held memories of a bygone age. The museum still produces some paper by hand, and it appeared when we were there that they were teaching the craft.. Of course photographing the water wheel was a highlight of the adventure.
I tired of the Paper Mill Museum before Hugh and wandered outside to see what else the area held.
Much to my delight, I found that the Old Walls of Basel, a section anyway. The first wall were started in 1080 and the newer sections were built in the thirteenth century. The portion of the wall I happened upon was the St. Alban-Tor (locally known as the Dalbedoor) which was build in the fifteenth century. It was a wonderful find, and of course I came away with many photos.
And then on to our final stroll along the Rhine. I stared in amazement as I watched a man, I presumed to be a native, climb into the April water with a life vest and let the currents carry him away. How I wanted to ask him about his adventure!