• Mount Meru Camp

     From Arusha on our way to the Mount Meru camp  we caught our first views of Kilimanjaro – the top thankfully hidden from view by cloud cover.  Our two days at Mount Meru  included time sightseeing in Arusha National Park and further trip preparation – going through our equipment, trying  on sleeping bags, and, yes, some test hiking (FYI – hike is a four letter word) while we acclimated to 6200 feet above sea level and adapted to the 10 hour time difference.  When we first approached the camp on a dirt road surrounded by 9 foot tall grass, at one point the driver slowed and turned right into the tall grass.  After several minutes of driving through this “grass” – we came out at the camp. I often wondered how they found the place.  I wanted a photo of turning into the grass - but it was only my first couple of days in Africa and I wasn't getting out of the jeep!

    Our travel documents described the hike as "a pleasant hike in the lush cedar and podocarpus forests, set within Arusha National Park" 

    These tents were our "hotel" for day two and three - We had to take our shoes in at night so the hyenas didn't walk off with them.  The colobus monkeys talked all night outside our tent.  

  • My favorite part of the entire trip happened while staying at the Mount Meru Camp visiting Arusha National Park.  We were driving through the park and were climbing a slight hill, when over the top comes a congress of baboons.  The jeep stopped and we all entertained ourselves taking numerous photos, with my favorite being the babies clinging to their mommy's backs and bellies. 

  • We saw many other animals that day, but none as entertaining as the baboons.

  • I love to photograph reflections and had looked forward to photographing flamingoes with their bodies reflecting in the water.  When I was finally allowed out of the jeep to photograph, I headed towards the other side of the water, only to be immediately stopped by "my" guide, Sam, "only go as far as that hill but not around it, there could be a cape buffalo on the other side".  Really, another great photograph lost! I could have photographer the flamingoes all day!